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How to Avoid Court Marriage Paperwork Mistakes

Procedure of Court Marriage, Types of Marriages

If you are planning on getting married to the person you love in court, you must do the proper court marriage paperwork. Documentation during the court marriage procedure is really important and has to be understood completely. If you do not know about the paperwork involved in the process, do talk to your family lawyer and make sure you have all the required marriage documents. Those who do not know a lot about the paperwork related to court marriage often commit some mistakes. Our article has listed all those minor yet impactful mistakes that you must avoid during the trial.

Top 6 Mistakes That One Must Avoid During Court Marriage:

1.   Submitting Incomplete Forms:

During the trial of Legal requirements for court marriage, you will be required to fill out alot of forms. Moreover you will be submitting different documents like the affidavit of free will and police protection forms. All these forms are really crucial to your court marriage case and must be filled with care. Leaving out any details or submitting incorrect information can result in the rejection of your forms, so you must read all the forms before submitting them to avoid any inconvenience.

2.  Providing Incorrect Information:

This is one of the most dangerous mistakes one can commit during marriage registration paperwork. Providing incorrect information on your documents would lead the court to believe that you are deceiving them. So check out all the forms beforehand and look for minor details. If you find any incorrect information, change that to the correct one before submitting.

3.   Misplacing or Missing Important Documents:

Making a list of all the required documents is a wise thing to do if you are up for court marriage or Marriage certificate process. Talk to your Family Lawyer, ask him about the required documents, make a list, then collect all of them and make sure to keep them with you all the time.

4.   Using Expired Documents:

Not all documents have an expiry date, but some documents like your CNIC, have an expiry date. So make sure that all your documents are up to date, and do not attach expired documents with your court marriage forms.

5.  Sending Documents To The Irrelevant Department:

All the documents that you need to submit during the court marriage case have to reach the concerned department in time. So consult your lawyer and avoid sending your documents to the wrong departments.

6.  Not Following Your Lawyer’s Advice.

Whatever you do, talk to your lawyer first, as he has the most authentic information. Therefore, avoid filling out any forms without consulting the lawyer first and try to do everything as per his instructions.

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