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Court Marriage Karachi

Court marriage cases in Karachi

About court marriage, Procedure of Court Marriage

Court Marriage Cases

Court marriage has become an easy way out for the younger generation to get a partner of their own choice. Many parents do not approve of love marriage and want their children to marry someone of their own choice. However, no one has the right to force their choices on others. That’s why court marriage cases are becoming popular in Karachi. Even in Karachi, couples are choosing to marry their loved ones even if they have to do it through court marriage. If you also have to marry your love in Karachi, there is a proper procedure that you would have to follow.


Court marriage procedure in Karachi:

If you are from Karachi and are willing to do court marriage then first you would have to perform proper Nikah. A nikah registrar would carry out the procedure of Nikah. Plus, you would need two witnesses at the time of Nikah. Once it’s done the nikah registrar will register your Nikah and will issue you the Urdu nikah Nama. This Nikah Nama is one of the most important documents that you would need in court. The next step would be to register your marriage in court.


Court marriage in Karachi registration:

After Nikah, if you want to register your court marriage in Karachi, you would have to hire a lawyer. The lawyer will carry out all the legal procedures that are vital for your and your marriage’s safety. First, you will have to register your marriage in Karachi court. You can do so by submitting improving documents and by recording your statements. Moreover, the girl will also have to submit an affidavit of free will that will protect her against her family.

All these legal processes are nerve-wracking and you would need an experienced lawyer for this. We at Court Marriage Karachi have a professional team that has expert lawyers. You can consult our lawyers and they will help you get your court marriage registered as soon as possible.

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