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Things You Don’t Know About Court Marriage

Procedure of Court Marriage, Types of Marriages

Court marriage in karachi seems a charming dream for many young couples in love, and they want to go for it as they feel their families will not agree to their choice of life partner. However, there are certain things you might not know about court marriage, and we have made a list for that.

4 Facts You Must Know About Court Marriage in Pakistan:

There is a Legal Age Limit For Court Marriage:

Many young people do not know this fact, but there is a certain legal age that you have to cross in order to get married. Yes you have heard it right, you can not go for marriage unless you reach your adolescence. If you have to go for a court marriage, the boy must be 18 years or above, otherwise, the court will not legalize the marriage. On the other hand the girl must be 16 years or above if she wants to marry without her parents’s consent.

You Do not Need Your Parents’s Permission For Court Marriage:

Islamically you need the consent of your father if you are getting married, however, if the father is wrongfully denying your choice of spouse, then you can go for a court marriage without your father’s permission. At the time of your Nikah, the lawyer or the registrar would represent you, and you would only need two witnesses and nothing else.

You Will Face Resistance From Your Families:

You might already know that, but that’s a fact that there is an 80% chance of facing resistance from your families after you have opted for a court marriage. The family of the bride usually blames the boy and files an abduction case on him. They even want their daughter to turn against her husband and tell the court that she has been forced and abducted during the course of this marriage. However, if the couple submits the affidavit of free will and seeks police protection from their families, the couple will be all right.

Court Marriage is Economical:

Yes, even if court marriage seems like an emotionally draining process, it surely is more economical than that of traditional marriages in Pakistan. In court marriage, you only have to pay for a lawyer and court procedures which is way less than spent on three days long marriage festivities of a Pakistani wedding.

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