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Court Marriage Karachi

True Translation of Nikah Nama in German language for Immigration Purpose

The “Nikah Nama” is a marriage contract in muslim marriages, typically written in urdu. Translating it into German would involve converting the content into true translation in german language. If you are getting married in Germany or need your Nikah nama for immigration purposes, you have to get it translated into German. The German officials do not know urdu or arabic language, so you have to provide them with a translated version. Please note that the translation might vary based on specific terminologies used in the original document, and it’s essential to have a qualified translator ensure accuracy. Below is a generalized translation:


  • Title: Heiratsurkunde (Marriage Certificate)
  • Date: [Date of the marriage]

Details of the Bride and Groom:

  • Names of the bride and groom
  • Geburtsdatum (Date of birth)
  • Geburtsort (Place of birth)
  • Aktuelle Adresse (Current address)
  • Staatsangehörigkeit (Nationality)

Details of the Guardian (Wali) of the Bride:

  • Name
  • Beziehung zur Braut (Relationship to the bride)
  • Zustimmung zur Ehe (Consent to the marriage)


  • Names of two male witnesses (adults)
  • Ihre Adressen und Berufe (Their addresses and occupations)
  • Bestätigung ihrer Zeugenschaft (Confirmation of their witness to the marriage)

Mahr (Dower):

  • Der Betrag der Mahr, auf den sich Braut und Bräutigam geeinigt haben (The amount of mahr agreed upon by the bride and groom)
  • Zahlungsbedingungen (Terms of payment)

Conditions and Terms:

  • Jegliche spezifischen Bedingungen oder Vereinbarungen zwischen Braut und Bräutigam

Acceptance and Declaration:

  • Zustimmung und Erklärungen von Braut, Bräutigam und Zeugen
  • Unterschriften der beteiligten Parteien

Officiator’s Statement:

  • Erklärung der Person, die die Trauungszeremonie durchgeführt hat Seals and Signatures:
  • Offizielle Siegel und Unterschriften des Trauzeugen, der Braut, des Bräutigams und der Zeugen


it’s recommended to have any translation done by a certified translator or a legal professional familiar with the specific terminology and requirements in German languages.

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