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True Translation of Nikah Nama in Spanish Language for Travel Purpose

The Nikah nama needed in your country will always be in your native language. Since Urdu is the native language of the country, the Nikah Nama in Pakistan is in Urdu language. The officials here understand the Urdu language very well, so all the documents are in Urdu. However, suppose one has to travel to any other country where the official language is Spanish. In that case, they will have to provide the officials with a nikah nama that is translated into Spanish. We have translated the Nikahnama in Spanish for you, which is given below.


  • Title: Certificado de Matrimonio (Marriage Certificate)
  • Date: [Date of the marriage]

Details of the Bride and Groom:

  • Nombres (Names) of the bride and groom
  • Fecha de nacimiento (Date of birth)
  • Lugar de nacimiento (Place of birth)
  • Domicilio actual (Current address)
  • Nacionalidad (Nationality)

Details of the Guardian (Wali) of the Bride:

  • Nombre (Name)
  • Relación con la novia (Relationship to the bride)
  • Consentimiento para el matrimonio (Consent to the marriage)


  • Nombres de dos testigos masculinos (adultos) (Names of two male witnesses (adults))
  • Sus direcciones y ocupaciones (Their addresses and occupations)
  • Confirmación de su testimonio para el matrimonio (Confirmation of their witness to the marriage)

Mahr (Dower):

  • La cantidad de mahr acordada por la novia y el novio (The amount of mahr agreed upon by the bride and groom)
  • Condiciones de pago (Terms of payment)

Conditions and Terms:

  • Cualquier condición o término específico acordado por la novia y el novio

Acceptance and Declaration:

  • Declaraciones de consentimiento y aceptación por parte de la novia, el novio y los testigos
  • Firmas de las partes involucradas

Officiator’s Statement:

  • Declaración de la persona que ofició la ceremonia de matrimonio Seals and Signatures:
  • Sellos y firmas oficiales del oficiante, la novia, el novio y los testigos


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